Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kylie and the Boys

This has been a busy week for little Miss Kylie. She's had a chance to visit all her boyfriends! J/K. BUT, she has been visiting many of her BOY friends.

Maddox and Kylie
(Maddox is Melissa and Joey's little one)

Isaac and Kylie
(Isaac was DYING to hold her and he was very sweet and gentle.
Isaac is Erica and Shaun's little dinosaur...he chased me around acting like he was a dinosaur)

We also went to visit the Leonard Family. I set Kylie down on the couch to put Nicole's Moby Wrap on. I wasn't quite sure how to use it because I use the Sleepy Wrap and they are a little different. While Nicole was helping me, she set Christian down next to Kylie on the other side of the couch, but when we turned around, Christian was moving ever so slightly towards Kylie.

"I just want to hold you!"

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, you are now on my blog list yeah! I loved reading all of your posts. Kylie is just the cutest little thing!
