Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Doctors and Zombies

Kylie at the doctor's office

I've been pretty slow at putting up a new post. I didn't realize I'd be a walking zombie once Kylie came to join us in this world! I've been getting little sleep...Who knew newborns could eat so much?! We've also gone to see a lactation consultant every week...although Kylie likes to eat a lot, she is a lazy eater...she falls asleep EVERY time and I have a hard time keeping her up, which of course, frustrates me a little bit because that's less sleep for me. If you have any advice on how to keep her up, let me know! We've also been to check up appointments for Kylie as well as some unexpected visits- she's had an upper respiratory problem, which the doctors tell us is normal. Despite all the doctor's appointments, Kylie's been pretty patient.

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